
Download mirc version without register
Download mirc version without register

download mirc version without register

  • Fixed channel list Hide parameters being.
  • Can now test for and prevent SOUND ctcp\'s in the remote.
  • This menu has the functionality of both the main, query, and nickname popup menus, and allows you to define commands that work in different types of windows.
  • Added new configurable menu which allows you to add a menu to the main menu bar.
  • Added Popup notify window on connect option.
  • Now remembers DDE settings across sessions, added to Servers section in options dialog.
  • Added play wave options to event beeps section.
  • The menu is always updated before it is displayed. Also adds internal aliases that match these filenames, so if you have winsock.hlp in the help menu you can type /winsock. hlp files in mIRC\'s directory, as well as the readme.txt, versions.txt, and update.txt files, for quick access.

    download mirc version without register

    Dynamic help menu now displays a list of.Fixed Channel Dialog gpf bug if kicked while dialog still open./query command pops an existing window to the front if it\'s hidden.Fixed problem with /ctcp to a user with dcc in nickname.Fixed standard editbox popup menu under 95 not being displayed on a right mouse-click.

    Download mirc version without register